Subject initiator:ilyassaleem       Replies:0       Published on:2014-12-13

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  MIB/OID required for polling total calls of BSC
Common member

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Registered on:2014-10-15
MIB/OID required for polling total calls of BSC (Published on:12/13/2014 3:49:22 PM)

Dear ZTE Support,


The product model we are using is ZXUR9000. On ZTE NetNumen, I can see the total calls trend in Performance Management with 15 minutes granularity. I need to see the real time graphical representation of total calls through a BSC/RNC, for which I have established an openware NMS and I am polling the BSC via SNMP. Please let me know about the MIB/OID which should be used for polling the total calls?



Ilyas Saleem
Network Management Engineer

Subject:  MIB/OID required for polling total calls of BSC
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