Subject initiator:10240088       Replies:0       Published on:2019-03-09

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  USPP install failed
ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2019-02-19
USPP install failed (Published on:3/9/2019 4:10:13 PM)

   When install uspp , OMP VM  cannot be established,and failure code is :No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.

    You can check  failure information,and search solution in this link :   

    For me ,the cause is special ,my failure reason is :u'RescheduledException: Build of instance e618f088-40f1-4ee7-8ff7-b456315657d5 was re-scheduled: It is not allowed to create an interface on external network 34a23721-eab3-4d4c-8ffe-536cf7159f76\n'].

    So i check my network plane configuration and find i choose 'outside net' .Then i don't choose  it , my question is solved.


Subject:  USPP install failed
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