Subject initiator:radians       Replies:1       Published on:2019-03-12

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  Problem between WIFI and LAN on F660 (cannot ping)
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2019-03-12
Problem between WIFI and LAN on F660 (cannot ping) (Published on:3/12/2019 8:10:08 PM)

I have a huge problem with a device ZTE F660 that provide me the connectivity in a customer. Something that supposed to be very simple is generating a pain between my customer and the ISP. From the WIFI you cannot ping a machine connected to LAN (by cable).


Can you help me? What is the check that must be removed? Of course the network isolation in the WLAN interface is disabled. Any idea? I attach an image from the configuration of the device in which you can see the SN and device information.

Download 20190312200938620.jpg

Registered on:2009-12-16
Reply:Problem between WIFI and LAN on F660 (cannot ping) (Published on:3/13/2019 8:40:12 AM)


1. F602 V6.0.2P2T2 is only used for China, how do you get the ONU?

2. If you want to ping through from LAN port to WIFI port that you need configure vlan for LAN port and WIFI port via omci on OLT.

vlan port eth_0/1 mode tag vlan xxx        //xxx need modify for vlan id.

vlan port eth_0/2 mode tag vlan xxx

vlan port eth_0/3 mode tag vlan xxx

vlan port eth_0/4 mode tag vlan xxx

vlan port wifi_0/1 mode tag vlan xxx

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Subject:  Problem between WIFI and LAN on F660 (cannot ping)
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