Subject initiator:10271492       Replies:1       Published on:2023-06-05

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  M6000-3S LACP QOS limitations
ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2020-01-09
M6000-3S LACP QOS limitations (Published on:6/5/2023 9:11:03 PM)


Here is the question.

service-policy smartgroup1.40902551 output school-60M
service-policy smartgroup1.40902551 input school-60M

policy-map school-60M
  class shool-espd
    police cir 60 mbps cbs 11220

class-map shool-espd match-all
  match child

Customer wants to limit traffci on Smagroup, how ever Smartgroup includes ports of different PFU boards 

GPE#show lacp internal
Flags:              * - Port is Active member Port
                    S - Port is requested in Slow LACPDUs
                    F - Port is requested in Fast LACPDUs
                    A - Port is in Active mode
                    P - Port is in Passive mode
Actor               Agg      LACPDUs  Port  Oper   Port  RX            Mux
Port[Flags]         State    Interval Pri   Key    State Machine       Machine
xgei-0/0/0/1[ A ]   INACTIVE 30       32768 0x121  0x45  PORT_DISABLED DETACHED
xgei-0/1/0/1[ A ]   INACTIVE 30       32768 0x121  0x45  PORT_DISABLED DETACHED

Is there any special congiufration related to PQ/SQ/FQ that is used when LACP includes port from different PFU slots ?


Registered on:2011-06-22
Reply:M6000-3S LACP QOS limitations (Published on:6/6/2023 9:47:38 AM)

Dear,Please see  the command can be followed by “statistical-share”.For the speed limit of the SG interface(includes ports of different PFU boards), statistical-share is required

service-policy smartgroup1.40902551 output school-60M  statistical-share

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Subject:  M6000-3S LACP QOS limitations
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