Subject initiator:Abjr       Replies:1       Published on:2024-03-13

Legends: ZTE engineer:Administrator
Subject:  ZTE ZXR10 8912E switch stuck on boot problem
Common member

Common member
Registered on:2024-03-13
ZTE ZXR10 8912E switch stuck on boot problem (Published on:3/13/2024 7:28:31 PM)

we have been using the ZTE ZXR10 8912E for over 5 years now. but currently we are experiencing issues with the switch. When power interrupts and returns again the switch Stucks on boot displaying all interface lights and some alarms. Can anyone point me a solution, please?

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ZTE engineer

ZTE engineer
Registered on:2010-08-22
Reply:ZTE ZXR10 8912E switch stuck on boot problem (Published on:3/13/2024 8:31:00 PM)
Hello, ZXR10 8912E should select data products rather than fixed network products. Please submit it again. Thank you.

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Subject:  ZTE ZXR10 8912E switch stuck on boot problem
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